Thursday, 8 March 2007


Recently, my cousin, Del-Cakes (as she is sometimes known) has come out with some cracking quotes that have had me falling off my chair in hysterics!!! I only have I couple that I can remember right now, but keep checking back as I'll update as and when I get them, because they're gems!!!
"I've had a day that's like been Fucked up the Arse without lube!!!"
"She's as Ugly as my Arsehole after a Vindaloo!!!"
(God, I love my cousin for saying the right thing when I'm down!!! xxx)

Excellent..... Fantastically hilarious....

Sadly, at the moment I can see a disturbing pattern obsession with Arses?!?!?!

Love you Babes...Even though I haven't seen you in what feels like many many decades...
Thanks for always knowing what to say and how to help...

p.s Forget about El Cunto...He thinks he's soooo funny in that You Tube thing for Nuts....He's just a typical man!!! And you're worth so much more....


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